Eight Legendary Women All of whom are Jessica Lange

Eight Legendary Women

New York Magazine- Jessica Lange

It seems almost fitting that on Saturday, January 21st, as I was in my LA studio with my camera pointed towards the extraordinarily talented Jessica Lange posed as the heroic Gloria Steinem, Gloria was once again lending her powerful voice to the chorus of millions of women as they protested across the country, declaring to the world, "We will not be pushed around!"



Faces of a Century Chicago Magazine

Faces of a Century

There's a great story by Matt Pollock over at Chicago Magazine about Chicago-area Centenarians.  Check it out online here or in print in the May issue of Chicago Magazine out now.

Important Studio Covid-19 Information

We wanted to let you know that we are in full compliance with the COVID-19 prevention measures and guidelines recommended by AICP & the DGA on-site at our studio.  To learn more about our studio during this time, please click here.